Elevator and escalator inspection requirements vary by state and even within each state, they can vary by county or city. It is typical in most 3rd party inspection areas, the building owner is the responsible party for ensuring compliance with their local authority having jurisdiction. Allsafe Elevator Inspections help building owners and managers navigate the sometimes confusing and cumbersome inspection process in order to make sure your elevators and escalators stay in full compliance. Allsafe specializes in assisting building owners with our turnkey approach to the inspection process.
Downloadable Forms:
Pre-Inspection Check List
This is a pre-inspection checklist that ALLSAFE put together to assist the property in preparing for the annual inspection. This checklist is helpful in preparation for the inspection or any time of year.
Fire Service/Emergency Power Test Form (annual/five year)
This State of Maryland form is for the Annual and 5 Year Testing for Fire Service and/or Emergency Power. This form documents testing of smoke sensing devices and stand-by emergency power. Per State Code, this form should be posted in your elevator machine room if the property has such devices to be tested annually.
Change of Ownership, Building Name, or Mailing Address Form
This form needs to be filled out and signed in its entirety for the State to update the information in their registry when there is any change in owner, site, or mailing information pertaining to any single or multiple unit/s. To submit this form we recommend to email it directly into the State at
Phase I and Phase II Fire Service Recall testing form
This log is to be filled out monthly after testing of Phase I and II fire Service Recall and should be posted in the elevator machine room.
Phase I and Phase II Fire Service Recall testing form instructions
This is the monthly testing Phase I and II Fire Service instructions. It is detailed instructions on how the monthly testing should be performed.
Feel free to reach out to us to discuss the needs of your specific project requirements. Our vertical transportation experts could talk elevators and escalators all day, so contact us today!